CALL US: 1-985-628-2602

Steve Robichaux has been involved in the heavy equipment for more than 40 years. His extensive experience involves cranes, forklifts and aerial equipment. He has had the opportunity and privilege to have been employed by trend setting equipment companies with which safety and attention to detail was the standard. He has had experience in working as a technician, remanufacture leader, product support representative, repair estimator, equipment appraiser, inspector, manufacturer assisted projects, operator, rigger, trainer, accident investigator, and expert witness.
Having been employed in the heavy equipment industry most of his life, his direct hands-on experience and years of factory training provides clients with valuable detailed information upon which to build their case. Steve’s arduous hours, days and years working on equipment is above and beyond reproach. As Steve Robichaux once stated, “numerous years of troubleshooting, repairing and operating equipment can not be condensed into a one day or even a one week seminar. Although I do have respect for individuals from other industries who attend a crane, forklift or aerial equipment safety class and then claim to be an “expert” in this field; I have lived in this industry since my feet could reach the levers and brake pedals.
Discussions pertaining to a potential case are confidential. Initial preliminary discussions are complementary. Please contact us for a copy of his curricular vitae with fee schedule attached.